New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 10, 2025

Day 41 Build Up | Exodus 16:4

Day 41 Build Up | Exodus 16:4

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Cycling across North America is not just about the physical journey; it's a metaphor for the spiritual endurance we cultivate in our faith walk. Today on Wisdom for the Day, we explore this theme through the story of a couple who embarked on this monumental ride, drawing parallels to the Israelites' desert journey as depicted in Exodus 16:4. Just as these cyclists build their stamina over time, the Israelites learned that escaping Egypt was merely the beginning of their endurance test. We discuss how God's provision of manna in the wilderness serves as a powerful reminder of His unwavering care and how Jesus, our "true bread from heaven," sustains us through life's challenges.

Join us as we reflect on how faith in Jesus solidifies our spiritual muscles, helping us to face life's demands with greater trust in God. We'll consider how staying faithful diminishes our complaints and enables us to perceive God's presence with us at every juncture. Tune in for an engaging conversation about spiritual growth, as we pray for the wisdom to be faithful apprentices in God's teachings, preparing our hearts for the lessons He imparts. Don’t miss tomorrow’s episode, where we continue to embrace each day with renewed faith and insights.

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00:00:02.564 --> 00:00:07.394
Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.

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I'm Rick.

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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.

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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.

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Let's get started.

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Today is day 41.

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Build up From Exodus, chapter 16, verse 4.

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From the New Living Translation I will rain down bread from heaven for you.

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I know a couple who have ridden bikes across North America.

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How do they prepare for a journey like that?

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They bike about 20 miles a day after work and take longer rides on the weekends.

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But does that fully prepare them for the grueling demands of riding 100 miles a day for weeks on end?

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Not entirely.

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Cyclists build real stamina in those first days on the road.

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Stamina takes time and you can't give up while you're building muscle tone.

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The people of Israel learned a similar lesson as they traveled through the desert.

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They might have thought that the hardest part was escaping Egypt, but soon they discovered that sticking with God's plan while scrambling through the wilderness required even more endurance.

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Are you surprised?

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The daily grind of obedience wears us all down.

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We start to feel like life was easier before we began following God Before he asked anything of our time, our finances or priorities.

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But in the desert, god provided for his weary people in extraordinary ways.

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He fed them with bread from heaven.

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That manna was a sign of God's care and provision and it points to the sustaining gift of Christ.

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Jesus said he's the true bread from heaven John 6, 32.

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And when we're sustained by him, we find the strength to keep going.

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Now, as we continue on our spiritual journey, strengthened by Jesus, our spiritual muscles grow and our complaints begin to shrink.

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Just like building physical stamina.

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Staying faithful through life's challenges develops a deeper trust in God and we come to realize that he is with us every step of the way.

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Won't you pray with me, lord?

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God, we know that most of our discipleship is on-the-job training.

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Help us to be your faithful apprentice.

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Prepare our hearts for the lessons that you want to teach us today, amen.

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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.

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To listen to past episodes go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.

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Go to buymeacoffeecom.

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Slash renewed mindsets and consider becoming a community member.

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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.

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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.

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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry.

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Until tomorrow.

00:03:25.930 --> 00:03:31.383
I'm Rick, I love you, see ya.

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