New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 11, 2025

Day 42 Memory and Hope | Psalm 135:5

Day 42 Memory and Hope | Psalm 135:5

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Have you ever felt suspended in midair, like a trapeze artist, unsure of where life will lead next? We explore how memories, especially those reflecting God's grace, can provide the courage and hope needed to navigate such moments of uncertainty. Drawing from Psalm 135:5 and the poetic wisdom of Wendell Berry, we reflect on the transition from having abundant time with few memories in our youth to being rich with memories as we age. These memories, akin to the Israelites’ practice of recalling God’s past interventions, become our compass in times of doubt.

Join us as we uncover the power of sharing our personal stories of God's faithfulness, stories that serve as anchors in our spiritual journey and inspiration for the future. Through heartfelt reflection and prayer, we discuss the importance of cherishing these grace-filled moments and embracing the future with unwavering faith. Whether you find yourself in a season of uncertainty or simply wish to celebrate the stories of God’s goodness in your life, this episode is an invitation to remember, share, and find strength in those memories.

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00:00:02.564 --> 00:00:07.394
Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.

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I'm Rick.

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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.

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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.

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Let's get started.

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Let's get started.

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Today is day 42, memory and hope.

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From Psalm 135, verse 5, from the New Living Translation.

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I know that our Lord is greater than all gods.

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Now, a poet named Wendell Berry once observed that when we're young, our lives are filled with time and very little memory.

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But as we grow older, our lives shift from being almost entirely memory with little time left.

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That explains why, when we spend time with older family members or acquaintances, the conversations often focus on the past and the roads they've traveled.

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These discussions aren't just nostalgic trips to the good old days, but they're filled with evidence of God's grace and faithfulness.

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Our memories of the past offer courage and hope for the journey ahead.

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Israel had a similar practice of recalling God's faithfulness.

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The psalmist in today's reading reflects on the Exodus, a story from centuries earlier.

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Now, why dwell on such distant memories?

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Because these stories of God's intervention inspire hope for the future.

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I've heard it said that the Christian life is like a trapeze artist letting go of one bar and soaring through the air towards another.

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There's a moment when the artist is suspended in midair, caught in the act of faith.

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This is a lot of times how the Christian journey feels.

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We live by faith, not knowing exactly where the next step is going to lead us, and in those moments of uncertainty we can draw strength from our spiritual memories of God's past faithfulness.

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God's grace is woven into our personal stories, just as it is in the grand narrative of scripture.

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Think about your own life.

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What stories of God's goodness could you share with family and friends?

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These stories not only testify to God's faithfulness, but offer reassurance that he'll guide us through whatever comes next.

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Pray with me, father, god.

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Memories of your guidance inspire our confidence for the future.

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Help us to remember the grace moments of life that assure us of your continued presence in our lives, in Jesus' name, amen.

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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.

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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.

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Go to buymeacoffeecom.

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Slash renewedmindsets and consider becoming a community member.

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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.

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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.

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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry.

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Until tomorrow, I'm Rick.

00:03:26.709 --> 00:03:30.728
I love you, see ya.

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