New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 12, 2024

Day 43 Consequences | Proverbs 5:5-7

Day 43 Consequences | Proverbs 5:5-7


Verse 5

If our behaviour is evil, then the result, in the end, is death. Solomon’s son might die if he follows the married woman. Solomon does not say how his son could die. The woman’s angry husband may kill the young man. The woman herself might be a murderer. Or the whole town might punish the son for his evil actions.

Occasionally, evil actions lead straight to death. Usually, the process is slower, step by step. Every evil action brings death nearer, because our evil behaviour takes us away from God. We can only receive true life, if we trust God.

When the Bible speaks about death, often this does not mean the death of our bodies. Often the Bible means the death of our spirits. If your spirit is dead, then you will go to hell. If your spirit is alive, you will go to heaven. ‘Jesus became alive again after he died, by the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then your bodies will also live again.’ (Romans 8:11) The result of our evil actions is death. But God brings life to our bodies and spirits by his Holy Spirit.

Verse 6

Again, the verse compares life to a journey. Sometimes a person, like this woman, refuses to hear God’s law. The woman lives in the way that she chooses. She does not care about what is right or good. She lives by her emotions. She has forgotten God. She does not know where her life will lead. She does not even know that her actions are wrong.

We have heard God’s law. We know what is wise. We must trust God. We must not copy people like this woman. Solomon advises that his son should not even meet the married woman. Solomon’s son must be very careful. He should not enter her house. He should not even walk near her door.

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