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Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.
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I'm Rick.
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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.
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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.
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Let's get started.
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Today is day 44.
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Power full.
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From Matthew, chapter 3, verse 16.
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He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.
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What gave Jesus the power to do what he did during his ministry?
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How could he heal the sick, raise the dead and teach with such authority, such authority that his words surpassed anything taught by other rabbis?
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At first we might say that, as being part of the Trinity, god had the inherent power to do anything.
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But we got to remember that, according to Philippians, chapter 2, verses 6 through 8, jesus set aside the privileges of divine glory to fulfill his mission as our incarnate savior.
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So where did the power for his unique ministry come from?
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The spirit of God descended in a special way to equip Jesus for His calling.
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Just as the Spirit hovered over the waters during creation, the Spirit also hovered over Jesus, preparing Him for His work.
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Now we shouldn't overlook the significance or the cost of this spiritual anointing.
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When the Father's voice from heaven declared this is my Son, whom I love, it was not just a declaration of identity, but a fulfillment of the prophecies from Isaiah about the Lord's servant who would bring salvation.
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That's from Isaiah 42.1.
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Jesus, the Son of God, honored at his baptism by both the Father's voice and the Spirit's presence, was also.
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Jesus didn't exempt him from suffering.
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In fact, it prepared and empowered him for the road marked by suffering and sacrifice.
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This is a crucial point to remember.
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The Spirit's anointing is not just for glory, it's for service.
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A lot of times, in the face of hardship, as followers of Jesus, we're called to the same Spirit-led service.
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The Spirit equips us not necessarily for an easy path, but for faithful obedience, even when that journey includes trials and challenges.
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Pray with me, father.
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God, thank you for equipping us with the Spirit's power In your call to costly obedience.
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I pray that we take courage from the Spirit who dwells in us In Jesus' precious name.
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In Jesus' precious name, amen.
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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.
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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.
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Go to buymeacoffeecom.
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Slash renewedmindsets and consider becoming a community member.
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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.
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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.
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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry.
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Until tomorrow, I'm Rick.
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I love you, see ya.