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Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.
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I'm Rick.
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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.
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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.
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Let's get started.
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Today is Day 5, a Different Voice.
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We'll be reading from Genesis, chapter 3, verse 10, from the New Living Translation.
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He replied I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid.
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I was afraid because I was naked.
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So I hid.
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I was afraid because I was naked.
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In the third chapter of the Bible, in Genesis, we hear a new, troubling voice enter the world.
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A dangerous enemy shows up, planting seeds of doubt and temptation.
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From that moment, the perfect relationship between God and humanity is broken.
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Maybe you've felt that struggle when doubt and temptation creep in.
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You might even be facing temptations right now, wondering like Adam and Eve did God really say?
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Maybe you've experienced the guilt and shame that make you want to hide from God and others.
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Temptation often promises something new New knowledge, new power.
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It looks appealing and desirable, but sin never gives us what we truly need.
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We chase after more money, only to find it never satisfies.
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We pursue new relationships, but adultery and divorce often destroy the ones we value most.
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God's voice, though firm, is still gentle when he calls out to us and he asks have you done what I told you to do?
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The curse of sin is real, but God also gives us a promise One day, the offspring of the woman will crush the tempter.
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Jesus will come and his power will replace temptation with joy of a new life.
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Father God, our sin has broken our world and our relationship with you.
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We long for something new, yet we hide from you.
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Let us hear your voice and know again the joy of fellowship with you, and know again the joy of fellowship with you, amen.
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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.
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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.
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Go to buymeacoffeecom.
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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.
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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.
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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry Until tomorrow, I'm Rick.
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I love you, see ya.