New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 19, 2024

Day 50 Foolish Debt | Proverbs 6:1-3

Day 50 Foolish Debt | Proverbs 6:1-3

Foolish Debt

Verses 1-2

In this poem, Solomon compares our mistakes to a hunter’s trap. When a hunter works, he may build traps. He hides his traps so that animals will not see them. He hopes that the animals will fall into his traps. Then he can kill and eat the animals.

In our lives, our mistakes can be like traps. Perhaps we want to do the right thing. Perhaps our plans are good. But our best plans could fail. Then, like a trap, our plans can destroy us.

In verse 1, Solomon’s son had good intentions. He wanted to help his neighbour. The son trusted the neighbour. The son tried to do the right thing, but the neighbour would not do the right thing. If his neighbour could not pay, Solomon’s son promised to pay instead. Now, his neighbour has failed to pay. The lender expects Solomon’s son to pay. The son’s plan failed and now he is in danger.

Sometimes we place ourselves in danger. Our own choices can become like traps. Many people suffer from alcohol or from dangerous drugs. Originally, they just wanted to enjoy themselves. When they tried to stop, they failed. Now they must ask God to help them. They must remember that God is greater than them. A doctor could also help them.

We all do wrong things against God. This behaviour is also like a trap. We cannot free ourselves. Paul wrote, ‘When I want to do good things, evil thoughts attract me. My spirit loves God’s law. But my body fights against my mind. I am like someone in prison. This is because evil behaviour controls my body.’ (Romans 7:21-23) But there is an answer to this problem. God can free us. If we ask God, then he will forgive us. And he will help us to control our behaviour. He will teach discipline to us. Paul continued, ‘Thank-you, God. God frees me through Jesus Christ.’ (Romans 7:25)

Verse 3

Be humble! The Bible warns us not to be proud. Jesus said, ‘If you are humble, like a little child, then you will be great in heaven.’ (Matthew 18:7) James wrote, ‘Be humble. Then God will give you honour.’ (James 4:10)

If Solomon’s son was proud, he could not escape. He is like an animal in a trap. He cannot free himself. He must ask for freedom. He must ask for help.

We have all done wrong things, against God. We must be humble. We must ask God to forgive us. Only God can do this.

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