New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 29, 2024

Day 60 Double Whammy | Proverbs 6:29-31

Day 60 Double Whammy | Proverbs 6:29-31

Double Whammy

29 So it is with the man who sleeps with another man’s wife.
    He who embraces her will not go unpunished.

30 Excuses might be found for a thief
    who steals because he is starving.

31 But if he is caught, he must pay back seven times what he stole,
    even if he has to sell everything in his house.

Verses 30-31

This thief is hungry. He has no food. His family also have no food. So, this thief steals, because he needs food. We can sympathise with him. However, the law will punish him. The law does not forgive. The law does not ask if he needed food. His punishment is severe.

Some people do wrong actions, because they hate God. Other people sincerely want to do good things, but they still do evil things. Everyone must trust in God, because everyone does wrong actions. ‘If you obey one law, but not another, then you are still guilty. Your actions are against the whole law, not just one part.’ (James 2:10-11)

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