New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 3, 2025

Day 62 Transformation-Formation | Jeremiah 18:6

Day 62 Transformation-Formation | Jeremiah 18:6

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Are you navigating a spiritual dryness or feeling stuck in your faith journey? In this episode, we explore the enriching metaphor of God as the potter and us as the clay, drawn from Jeremiah 18:6. This vivid imagery encapsulates the continual shaping process we undergo as we grow spiritually. We unpack how God’s divine touch molds our character and purpose, inviting us to actively participate in our transformation.

Join us as we reflect on the stages of spiritual formation, from moments of gentle encouragement to those requiring significant personal upheaval. How do we recognize when God is gently breaking down our hardened hearts? We discuss practical signs of transformation, such as renewed understanding of scripture, healing of past emotional wounds, and a calling to serve in new ways. These changes can inspire us by showing the hand of God at work in our lives.

Our transformative journey is not merely personal but also communal; as we are reshaped, we contribute to the renewal of the world around us. Tune in to discover how the potter is molding you, and how your willingness to be shaped can lead to impactful changes in your life and others. 

Let’s engage with the divine shaping process and commit to being vessels for God's purpose. Don't forget to subscribe, share this episode, and join our growing community!

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39:06 - Introduction to Spiritual Formation

01:02:55 - The Potter's Process: Breaking and Renewing

01:57:35 - Recognizing God's Hand in Our Lives


00:00:02.544 --> 00:00:07.373
Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.

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I'm Rick.

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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.

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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.

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Let's get started.

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Today is Day 62, transformation Formation.

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From the book of Jeremiah, chapter 18, verse 6, from the New Living Translation Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, o house of Israel.

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My God's like a potter and we're like clay, constantly being shaped and molded in his hands.

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Spiritual formation is an ongoing process where God gently works on us, sometimes gradually, sometimes through moments of major grace.

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There are also times when God, like a potter, must start over breaking down what's become hardened or stagnant to reshape us according to his will.

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Now, these different aspects of spiritual formation reflect the different variety of ways that God interacts with us.

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If we find ourselves resistant to being molded, it may be time to repent and experience the breaking and renewing power of God's love.

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Time to repent and experience the breaking and renewing power of God's love.

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If we've hit a spiritual plateau, we need the Spirit to show us undeveloped areas in our lives that require growth and attention, and if we're growing steadily, it's a time to rejoice and offer even greater thanksgiving to God for his work in us.

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But how do we see the potter at work in our everyday lives?

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We might experience a shift in our understanding of scripture, discover new directions for our lives, see old habits broken.

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God might be instilling deeper moral values, healing emotional wounds, childhood trauma, resolving a major crisis or calling us to serve in new ways using our spiritual gifts.

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Maybe we witness a family reunited to find ourselves committing more fully to God's path.

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In all these concrete ways, god's shaping us, and as we're transformed, the world around us is transformed too.

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We're the clay continually shaped by the hands of the potter, not just for our own growth, but for the renewal and transformation of the world.

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Pray with me, father, god Creator.

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Pray with me, father, god creator, molder of the world.

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We are like clay in your hands, father.

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Refashion each one of us to your likeness until we're vessels that are useful to you.

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In Jesus' precious name, I pray Amen.

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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.

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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.

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Go to buymeacoffeecom, slash renewedmindsets and consider becoming a community member.

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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.

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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.

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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry Until tomorrow, I'm Rick.

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I love you, see ya.

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