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Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.
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I'm Rick.
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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.
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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, Ready to feel inspired.
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Let's get started.
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And now.
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Weekends with Lauren.
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Welcome to Day 67.
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Are you a masterpiece From Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 10, from the New Living Translation?
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Hey, buddy, I'm so glad you're here today.
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I want to talk about something that I think we all struggle with at some point our worth.
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We live in a world that's constantly telling us who we should be Prettier, more successful, more put together.
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It's absolutely exhausting, right, and if we're not careful we start tying our worth to all the wrong things Our job, our relationship status, our looks or even how many likes we get on that last post.
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But God's been reminding me of a simple, powerful truth in Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 10.
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It says For we are God's masterpiece.
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He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
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Now let's just stop right there.
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You are God's masterpiece, not an afterthought, not something he just threw together.
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A masterpiece that word hit me hard because, honestly, there are days I don't feel like one.
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I feel flawed, messy and far from perfect.
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But here's the thing God isn't looking at our highlight reels or our worst moments.
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He's looking at the core of who he created us to be loved, chosen and valuable.
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I love that this verse also says he's created us anew in Christ.
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That means no matter what mistakes you've made or how broken you feel, Jesus restores and redefines you.
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Your worth isn't based on your past, your career or anyone's opinion.
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It's based on what Jesus did for you on the cross.
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If you've been feeling less than or like you have to work harder to prove your value, take a deep breath and remember this you are already enough because of him.
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You don't have to hustle for your worth.
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It's already settled.
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Here's something practical Write ephesians, chapter 2, verse 10, somewhere.
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You'll see it on your mirror, your journal, wherever and every time you catch yourself feeling not good enough, speak this truth over yourself.
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I am god's masterpiece.
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Let's pray together, Lord, thank you for calling us your masterpiece.
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Help us see ourselves through your eyes, not the world's.
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Remind us daily that our worth is rooted in you alone.
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We love you and we trust the identity you have given us In Jesus name.
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That's all for now.
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Thanks for listening to Wisdom for the Day.
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That's all for now.
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Thanks for listening to Wisdom for the Day Weekends with Lauren.
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I'm here every weekend.
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You should be too.
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To listen to past episodes.
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Go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.
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Go to buymeacoffeecom, slash renewed mindsets and consider becoming a community member.
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The executive producer for Wisdom for the Day is Kimmy Shirley.
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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.
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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry Catch me next week.
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I'm Lauren and I love all of you.
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