New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 8, 2025

Day 68 High Quality H2O | John 7:37-38

Day 68 High Quality H2O | John 7:37-38

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Have you ever felt the unbearable weight of spiritual dryness? You’re not alone. In this episode, we delve into the feeling of emptiness that many experience in their spiritual journey. Drawing inspiration from John 7:37-38, we uncover the beautiful invitation that Jesus extends to those who thirst for something deeper in their lives. 

This conversation centers around the idea that it's okay to be spiritually thirsty and that Jesus welcomes us to come, just as we are—flawed and weary. We explore how His promise of living water can rejuvenate our weary souls and provide a gentle refreshment that we often seek in vain from other sources. By acknowledging our hunger for spiritual nourishment, we can learn to lean on God's presence during the dry spells.

We discuss practical ways to approach God humbly and openly while assuring you that He is never far from you, especially in your moments of need. As we reflect on how to be honest with ourselves and our spiritual needs, we encourage you to find strength in community and connection along this journey. Let yourself be reminded that you do not have to have it all together to approach Him.

Join us as we offer solace, prayers, and encouragement for those walking through spiritually arid seasons. Don’t hesitate to reach out and engage with us through our social platforms, sharing your thoughts and stories. Let’s navigate this wilderness together, as we reach toward the living water that Jesus so freely gives. Subscribe, share, and leave a review to continue the conversation!

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00:00 - Introduction to Spiritual Refreshment

12:15 - Understanding Spiritual Dryness and Its Impact

24:15 - Jesus' Invitation to Drink from His Living Water


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Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.

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I'm Rick.

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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.

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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, Ready to feel inspired.

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Let's get started.

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And now.

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Weekends with Lauren.

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Welcome to Day 68, high Quality H2O.

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We'll be in John, chapter 7, verses 37 through 38 from the New Living Translation.

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Hey, buddy, I'm so glad you're here today.

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Let's talk about something I think a lot of us deal with, but don't always say out loud feeling spiritually empty.

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Lot of us deal with, but don't always say out loud feeling spiritually empty.

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You know those days when you open your Bible but the words feel flat, or when you pray and it feels like it's just bouncing off the ceiling.

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Yeah, I've been there too.

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It's that feeling of spiritual dryness and it can be really discouraging.

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But this week I found so much comfort in John, chapter 7, verses 37 through 38, where Jesus says Anyone who is thirsty may come to me.

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Anyone who believes in me may come and drink, for the scriptures declare rivers of living water will flow from his heart.

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Jesus didn't say if you have it all together, come to me.

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He didn't say if you're feeling super spiritual today, then I'll fill you.

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He simply said if you're thirsty, come.

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Sometimes we make it so complicated.

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We feel like we have to fix ourselves before we approach God.

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But Jesus invites us to come to Him in our emptiness, our dryness, our brokenness, and that's where he pours in His living water.

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Think about it.

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Water is life-giving.

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It refreshes, it nourishes and it sustains.

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And Jesus offers that kind of soul-refreshing water when we're spiritually dry.

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But we have to come to him honestly, humbly and just as we are.

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If you're in a dry season right now, here's what I want you to remember God isn't disappointed in you.

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He's not far off.

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He's standing right there, offering you his presence, his peace and his living water.

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So today, take a moment to sit in his presence.

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You don't need fancy words or perfect prayers.

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Sometimes just whispering Lord, I'm thirsty for you is enough.

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Let's pray together.

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Jesus, we come to you today thirsty, thirsty for your peace, your joy and your presence.

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Fill the dry places in our hearts with your living water.

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Remind us that you are always near, even when we feel far.

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We love you and need you In your name, amen.

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That's all for now.

00:02:39.318 --> 00:02:42.406
Thanks for listening to Wisdom for the Day Weekends with Lauren.

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I'm here every weekend.

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You should be too.

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To listen to past episodes.

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Go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.

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Go to buymeacoffeecom.

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Slash renewed mindsets and consider becoming a community member.

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The executive producer for Wisdom for the Day is Kimmy Shirley.

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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.

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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry Catch me next week.

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I'm Lauren and I love all of you.

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And that's what I call High Quality Tools.

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