New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 11, 2024

Day 71 Wisdom Calls Out | Proverbs 8:1-4

Day 71 Wisdom Calls Out | Proverbs 8:1-4

Wisdom Calls Out

Listen as Wisdom calls out!
     Hear as understanding raises her voice!

On the hilltop along the road,
     she takes her stand at the crossroads.

By the gates at the entrance to the town,
     on the road leading in, she cries aloud,

“I call to you, to all of you!
     I raise my voice to all people.

Verse 1

This is the second of Solomon’s three great poems. Wisdom, like a woman, gives a speech to all the people.

In verse 1, there are not two women. Wisdom is one woman, but she has two names. Her names are Wisdom and Intelligence. This is because wisdom is the same thing as intelligence. Right decisions and accurate knowledge are also the same thing as wisdom.

All these things will be ours when we trust in God. They do not come immediately. We need to learn to be wise. This is a slow process. Each day, we should learn new lessons. God teaches us in different ways. Sometimes he teaches us from the Bible. Sometimes he uses other people to teach us. Sometimes he uses nature or other methods to teach us.

If we are teachers, then we must be patient. It takes many years to learn law or medicine. In the same way, many people are slow to learn wisdom. Even for true Christians, some lessons can take years to learn.

A church leader is a type of teacher. He teaches the people that he serves. Often, he must repeat the same lessons several times. The teacher must try to be a model for his people. He cares for them. He tries to advise them about the Bible. He prays for them. The teacher himself also needs to learn more. He knows that he is not perfect.

Verses 2-3

The evil woman (in Proverbs 7:12) went everywhere. Wisdom is also everywhere. Wherever people are, Wisdom is there. (Wisdom is like a woman.) She is waiting to advise them. She wants to help them. She will guide them to make right decisions. She will show them good ways. She will help them to trust in God.

Many people do not listen to Wisdom. They do not want her advice. She still calls out, because her message is important to everyone.

Verse 4

This is a message to everyone. Wisdom (the woman) speaks to the people in every nation. You may be rich or poor. You may be a ruler, or an ordinary person. You may be a man or a woman. You may be young or old. Everyone needs to be wise.

Proverbs now returns to the personification of God’s

Wisdom. Yahweh wants everyone to receive His Wisdom and


Wisdom does cry out in warning, but those people who

intend to live life on their own terms will not listen to Wisdom’s

cry. The Bible has a name for such people. They are stiff-necked

and proud. If people are determined to control their lives, then

God will let them ignore Wisdom’s cries. And there are those

who know how God wants them to live but refuse to obey

Yahweh’s laws. That is a sure path to trouble and death.

Finally, there are those who listen. Both husband and

wife are pure before and during their marriage. Deep intimacy

develops as they learn to trust each other. There is no fear of

STD’s. Their marriage flourishes because they live their

marriage according to the Creator’s plan.

Contemplate: Do you think that God’s laws really

help people live in harmony with the Created World?

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