New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 12, 2024

Day 72 Simple and Foolish | Proverbs 8:5-7

Day 72 Simple and Foolish | Proverbs 8:5-7

Simple and Foolish

You simple people, use good judgment.
     You foolish people, show some understanding.

Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you.
     Everything I say is right,

for I speak the truth
     and detest every kind of deception.

Verse 5

Solomon uses special meanings for the words ‘simple’ and ‘foolish’.

The ‘fool’ is proud and lazy. He does not want to serve God. He hates wisdom. He prefers to do evil things. If you try to teach a fool, he will hate you. He will only learn if God changes him.

The ‘simple’ person does not know what is right or wrong. He has not learned to be wise. He chooses to do evil things, because ‘everybody does it’. But you can teach a simple person. A simple person can learn to be wise.

Verses 6-7

The woman called Wisdom speaks good words. Her words are always true (verse 6). They are fair (verse 7). She does not speak wrong words (verse 7).

Proverbs reminds us that the ends never justify the

means; we should never use wicked means since wickedness is an

abomination to Yahweh.

God tells us that there are absolute right and wrong

things in Creation, unlike what we are teaching in our public

schools and on Sesame Street. There we are told that,

There are no universal right and wrong actions.

What is right for me may not be right for you.

It is up to each of us to decide which view is the truth.

As for me, I will choose that the Creator is absolutely truthful

and is absolutely unchanging. And I will find what is right and

what is wrong by reading Scriptures.

Contemplate: What do you believe? Is truth relative,

depending on circumstances? Is truth absolute? Or is there

middle ground? Murder is absolutely sinful, but sex outside

marriage may not always be sinful?

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