New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 21, 2024

Day 81 Wisdom Helps | Proverbs 8:27-31

Day 81 Wisdom Helps  | Proverbs 8:27-31

Wisdom Helps


I was there when he established the heavens,
     when he drew the horizon on the oceans.


I was there when he set the clouds above,
     when he established springs deep in the earth.


I was there when he set the limits of the seas,
     so they would not spread beyond their boundaries.
 And when he marked off the earth’s foundations,


    I was the architect at his side.
 I was his constant delight,
     rejoicing always in his presence.


And how happy I was with the world he created;
     how I rejoiced with the human family!

The poem described how God made the world. God worked carefully. He loves people. So he prepared a beautiful home for us. Compare this with Genesis 1.

The poem talks about the ‘birth’ of wisdom. This is poetry. The poet is not saying that one day, wisdom was born. He does not think that before this, there was no wisdom. God was wise, even before ancient times. God was wise, even before he made the world. God has always been wise.

Verses 30-31

God worked with Wisdom. (Solomon continues to compare wisdom with a woman.) Together, God and Wisdom were glad to see the world. Together, they were happy about God’s work. Especially, they were glad to see the people. God made people to be in his image (Genesis 1:26). This means that people should behave like him. People should use wisdom. When people make things, they should be wise. When they lead other people, they should be wise.

These verses are also sad. They describe what God wanted. God’s plan was that he would live with us. But the people refused God’s love (Genesis 3:9-13). They refused wisdom.

Jesus died to bring us back to God. We should trust in God. We should greatly desire God’s wisdom.

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