New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 24, 2024

Day 84 Wisdoms Party | Proverbs 9:1-2

Day 84 Wisdoms Party | Proverbs 9:1-2

Wisdoms Party

1Wisdom has built her house;
     she has carved its seven columns.

She has prepared a great banquet,
     mixed the wines, and set the table.

Solomon’s last, great lesson to his son is almost complete. Perhaps Solomon paused here. Maybe he thought about whether he had taught enough. His young son needed the full facts. The son needed to decide between wise behaviour and evil behaviour. His decision would guide his entire life. In the future, the son would be king, like his father Solomon. Then, the son would become powerful. Solomon wanted the son to choose wisdom.

Solomon decided to add a final, great poem. This poem would explain wisdom to his son, but it would also explain the opposite of wisdom. Then, at last, the son would know enough. Then, the son could make his own decision. The son must choose whether he wanted to be wise. If not, the son would be a fool, and the whole nation would suffer.

Verse 1

The woman, called Wisdom, has worked hard. She has decided to invite guests. She has even built a special house to give them a special welcome. The house has 7 columns, so it is large. It is complete, and it is perfect. The number 7 may refer to the 7 instructions in verses 6-12.

Verse 2

Everything is ready. The woman, Wisdom, has made a great meal for her guests. Her guests will not remain hungry. Wisdom has prepared everything that they need.

God provides the things that we need. Paul wrote, ‘My God will provide everything that you need. He will do this from the riches that are in Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:19) Jesus said, ‘Look at the birds! They do not grow their own food. However, God feeds them. You are more valuable than the birds.’ (Matthew 6:26)

The Bible compares heaven with an invitation to a meal. ‘The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let everyone who hears repeat, “Come!” If you need to drink, then come! Take the free gift of the water of life!’ (Revelation 22:17) ‘Come, if you need to drink! Come to the water! If you have no money, then still come! Without any money, you can buy and you can eat! Buy wine and milk! You do not need money, because there is no cost.’ (Isaiah 55:1)

In Proverbs, Wisdom speaks of preparations for a celebration banquet so that God can share His Wisdom with all humans in a building constructed around seven pillars. Why seven? The number 7 appears in the Bible 735 times (including sevenfold and seventh 860 times). Seven symbolizes completeness and perfection, both in the physical and spiritual realms. It derives its meaning from being directly tied to God's creation of all things. 

Let me ask you What do you believe the seven pillars of Wisdom represent in your life? Do you perceive any significance linked to the number seven?

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