New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 25, 2024

Day 85 Wisdoms Invitation | Proverbs 9:3-6

Day 85 Wisdoms Invitation | Proverbs 9:3-6


She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come.
     She calls out from the heights overlooking the city.

“Come in with me,” she urges the simple.
     To those who lack good judgment, she says,

“Come, eat my food,
     and drink the wine I have mixed.

Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live;
     learn to use good judgment.”


Verse 3

The servants of Wisdom (the woman) go to fetch the guests. Wisdom herself has invited the guests. Everyone can hear her message because everyone must choose whether to learn to be wise.

In Luke 14:15-24, Jesus told a story about a meal. A man invited all his friends to a great meal, but they all refused. The man was very angry. If his friends would not come, then other people must enjoy his great meal. He invited poor people and ill people. He invited blind people. He invited people who could not walk. Everybody was welcome.

Jesus’ story means that we should invite everyone to become Christians. If our friends refuse, we must invite other people. We can invite poor people and ill people. We can invite people that we do not like. We can even invite our enemies. God wants us to do this. In heaven, God is preparing a great meal. God’s house must be full of people. If our friends refuse, they will not be at God’s great meal. Other people will take their place.


Verse 4

Wisdom, the woman, chooses her guests carefully. They are not the guests whom we might select. She does not choose only clever people, whose conversation will be good. She does not choose only famous people, so that other people will respect her. She does not even select wealthy people.

Wisdom’s guests are ‘simple’ people. They are people who do not know about good and evil behaviour. They are people who do many wrong things. These people have not yet learned to be wise. Wisdom, the woman, wants to teach them. She wants to show the right way to them. She wants to lead them to God.

Jesus said, ‘When you make a meal, do not invite your friends! Do not invite your brothers or your relatives! Do not invite your rich neighbours! If you do, they might invite you back. You wanted to give a gift, but they will repay you. When you make a great meal, invite poor people! Invite ill people! Invite blind people! Invite people who cannot walk. Then God will be kind to you. These people cannot invite you back. Instead, God will reward you in heaven.’ (Luke 14:12-14)

Verse 6

A person must do two things to become a Christian:

·††† He must turn from evil behaviour. The woman called Wisdom, says, ‘Leave your simple ways, and live!’

·††† He must trust in God. The woman called Wisdom says, ‘Live wisely!’

Peter explained this in Acts 3:19. ‘Refuse to do evil things! Turn to God! If you do this, then God will forgive you. He will give a new life to you.’


Much of Proverbs so far has been telling us to prize God's wisdom. Today's passage introduces us to short wise sayings that we usually think of as Proverbs. Wisdom offers these wise tidbits to everyone. Of course, if someone is wise, they will ponder and keep the following proverbs.

If someone doesn't understand God's statutes, he is not turned away. He is given the choice to leave his simple ways and live.

Unfortunately, in today's society, many people are too "Sophisticated" to admit that they are simple and don't understand what God requires of his creation. The "worldly wise" will not choose wisely.

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