New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 27, 2024

Day 87 Wise Righteousness | Proverbs 9:9-10

Day 87 Wise Righteousness | Proverbs 9:9-10

Wise Righteousness

Instruct the wise,
     and they will be even wiser.
 Teach the righteous,
     and they will learn even more.


Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
     Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

Verse 9

A Christian should always want to learn. The verse speaks about a ‘wise man’ and a ‘good man’. A Christian should want to be both ‘wise’ and ‘good’. At church, he should learn from the preacher (that is, the speaker). At home, he should learn from his family. At work, he should learn to be fair and honest. When he is alone, he should pray. He should read the Bible and learn from God. If he does this, he will become wiser. He will learn more. He will know God more and more.

Verse 10

A wise person is not always intelligent or clever. He might know only a few things. Maybe, he has only learnt his first lesson.

This is the first lesson: ‘Respect God!’ God must be first in our lives. God is more important than our businesses. God is more important than our friends. God is even more important than our families. When we make a decision, we must first think about God. We must ask whether our plans are good or evil. We must decide whether our plans give honour to God.

This is only the first lesson. But it is a great lesson. This lesson will teach us to be wise. If we respect God, then evil ideas will not attract us. If we respect God, then we shall try to be fair and honest with other people. If we respect God, then money will not control our lives. If we respect God, then we shall want to learn from God.

Today's passage emphasizes that God desires individuals who are open-minded and recognize that they don't have all the answers to life. Life is always changing, and God wants people who are willing to learn and adapt to new experiences and knowledge.

Understanding the vastness and power of God is the starting point of wisdom. Recognizing that we can never fully comprehend everything as God does helps us acknowledge our place as creations and God as the Creator.

Pride often leads us to believe that science and technology alone can solve every problem, making us feel like we can play God ourselves. However, humility reminds us that advancements like splitting the atom have brought more challenges than solutions. We require God's wisdom to navigate the knowledge we acquire.

Let me ask you. Do you possess the beginning of wisdom. What does it mean to you to "fear God"?

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