New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 29, 2024

Day 89 The Foolish Woman | Proverbs 9:13-14

Day 89 The Foolish Woman | Proverbs 9:13-14

The Foolish Woman


The woman named Folly is brash.
     She is ignorant and doesn’t know it.


She sits in her doorway
     on the heights overlooking the city.

Verse 13

The second woman is called ‘The Foolish Woman’.

People who accept her invitation are foolish. This is why she has this name.

Wisdom, the woman, says that knowledge is valuable (Proverbs 8:10). The Foolish Woman does not think so. She thinks that knowledge has no value. She knows nothing.

Verse 14

The woman called Wisdom prepared a fine meal for her guests. Wisdom even built a splendid house for them.

But the Foolish Woman is lazy. The Foolish Woman did none of these things. She does not even stand to invite her guests. She sits down.

The messages of the two women both come from the highest place in the city. So everyone will hear both messages. Nobody will miss them. Everyone will receive both invitations. We cannot accept both invitations. We must choose. Either we follow wisdom, or we are foolish.

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