New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
March 31, 2024

Day 91 She’ll Chew You Up | Proverbs 9:17-18

Day 91 She’ll Chew You Up  | Proverbs 9:17-18

She'll Chew You Up


“Stolen water is refreshing;
     food eaten in secret tastes the best!”


But little do they know that the dead are there.
     Her guests are in the depths of the grave.

Verse 17

The Foolish Woman also offers a meal to her guests. However, her meal does not belong to her. She stole the water. She must eat in secret.

‘Water’ reminds us of Proverbs 5:15-18. In that passage, ‘water’ refers to love and sex. So, the Foolish Woman offers sex. She ‘stole’ sex, so this is not sex between a husband and wife. This is the same invitation as Proverbs 7:18-20. This is why the meal is secret. So the meal also gives the idea of sex.

The woman tempts the simple man with evil ideas. Solomon is thinking about all evil things, not just sex. If we are foolish, then we shall choose to do evil things. If we refuse to be wise, then we also refuse to follow God.

Evil actions might feel ‘good’. Evil actions might feel ‘wonderful’. These are only feelings; they are not reality. The reality is that evil behaviour is always wrong. The reality is that evil behaviour will destroy us. The reality is that God hates all evil things.

Verse 18

‘Death is like a wage for the person who does evil things. But God gives us life that will last always, through Jesus.’ (Romans 6:23)

Death and hell are the punishments for our evil actions. So we must not do evil things. Instead, we should serve God. And we should ask God to forgive us. God wants us to trust him. God’s love is like a free gift. God offers real life. We shall not die. We shall live always with him, in heaven. This is the best invitation.

We must make our choice. We can be wise, or we can be foolish. Make the right decision! God wants us all to learn to be wise.

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