New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 5, 2024

Day 94 Wisdoms Worker | Proverbs 10:5-6

Day 94 Wisdoms Worker | Proverbs 10:5-6

Wisdoms Worker

A wise youth harvests in the summer,
     but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.

The godly are showered with blessings;
     the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

Verses 5

A wise person is not lazy. He is not afraid to work hard. He does not steal to make himself rich. He does not expect other people to give money to him. A wise man learns from his studies. But a wise man can also learn when he works.

Verse 6

God gives good things to the good man. God helps the man. God gives honour to the man. Other people respect the good man, because God is pleased with that man.

The evil man is not like this. He hates God’s wisdom. He loves cruelty. Evil things surround him. Even his words cause trouble.

Proverbs teaches us that we should work in order to be rewarded, as laziness is considered disgraceful. Work not only gives us a sense of accomplishment, but it is important to note that not all work is the same. Yahweh, our Creator, has endowed each of us with unique abilities. We experience that feeling of accomplishment when we heed the call from our Creator and engage in work that aligns with our strengths, bringing glory to God.

In the proverb that compares righteousness to wickedness, we anticipate blessings to be juxtaposed with curses. However, we are informed that wicked individuals bear a specific curse: their lives are permeated with violence.

So, let me ask you.  when you wake up to begin your workday, do you exclaim, "Good God! It's Morning" or "Good Morning, God!"? Are you engaged in a job where you believe God intends to use you, or do you work solely because it's a job?

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