New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 8, 2024

Day 96 Wisdoms Integrity | Proverbs 10:9-10

Day 96 Wisdoms Integrity  | Proverbs 10:9-10

Wisdoms Integrity

People with integrity walk safely,
     but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed.


People who wink at wrong cause trouble,
     but a bold reproof promotes peace.

Verse 9

Life is like a journey. If we follow God’s commands, then we choose the right way to live. God will protect us.

If we refuse God’s wisdom, then we are in danger. This is like a traveller who wanders in the wrong direction. Our wrong actions will lead us to death and hell.

Verse 10

‘Look out for the evil man! Look out for the thief! His mouth is speaking false words. Look out for his signals! He shuts his eyes. He moves his feet. He taps his fingers. He is plotting evil plans in his heart. He starts arguments. His punishment will be sudden. There will be no remedy for him.’ (Proverbs 6:12-15). In this passage, an evil man said few words, but plotted an evil plan. His tiny movements showed that he had an evil plan.

In the first line of verse 10, the man is silent. In the second line, the man talks loudly to himself. Both men are evil. Both men have evil plans.

A person who quietly makes evil plans causes trouble. He is responsible for his plans. Whether an evil man is silent or noisy, God will punish him. God knows all our plans, and God will punish our evil actions.

The first proverbs may be paraphrased as follows: If someone lies, they will eventually be discovered because their lies will catch up to them. On the other hand, if someone always tells the truth, they don't have to worry about keeping their stories consistent. Telling a small lie once can lead to trouble, but a habitual liar will ultimately fail because nobody will trust them.

Fibs are essentially lies, but we use the term fibs to downplay the seriousness of the lie. What about pornography? Do you watch it on your personal computer? Is there no harm in that? How will you explain what happened when a virus or worm from a pornographic website crashes your computer and sends explicit images to all your contacts?

Let me ask you.  Can fibs ever be harmless? Is pornography truly harmless?

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